Sunday, March 27, 2005

+ guest etiquette

so do you allow all your single friends to invite guests, or is that reserved for friends that you know have significant others? and does this apply to engagement parties, or just the actual wedding? it's already so complicated...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For invites, it's a tough line to draw with dates. I've pretty much been saying anyone who is engaged or married is obviously automatically bringing a date. Close friends, if they've been dating someone for a long time (not like kenny-cindy long time, but say two years) can bring a date. But other guests, no date. We'll probably address those invitations to just that person, while other people will receive an invitation that has the names of both the person and his/her presumed date. Interested to hear what others have done. I'm sure Emily Post would not approve.

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any really good ideas for an interfaith couple where the groom's family wants to invite an equal number of people as the bride's family but are not contributing at all to the wedding??

7:01 PM  
Blogger The Texan Transplant said...

to anonymous:
depends on the size of the wedding. if it's a lot of people, then maybe they should trim down the invite list a bit. if it's a moderate sized wedding, then it's a special event no matter the family and invite equal amounts. finally, perhaps the groom's family should pony up and pay for some of the wedding.

8:13 AM  

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